About us

Jacob Whitson

Jacob is a chef from Somerset, England who has worked in some of the UK’s most renowned restaurants and cookery schools, including River Cottage HQ in Devon. He is an expert in wild plants and fungi and loves to lead groups on foraging trips.

I first came to Sweden in 2009, and immediately fell in love with the country - its magnificent forests and lakes, bountiful wildlife, cosy log houses, and incredible produce everywhere you look. I moved here in 2014 and have spent the last ten years exploring every corner of my new home, along the way meeting the hunters, fishermen and farmers who are the gateway to the country’s traditions and wonderful ingredients. Sweden has so much to offer but the very best is often hidden just below the surface. It’s become the greatest pleasure in my life to show people this “Secret Sweden”.

Johanna Loder

Johanna grew up in France and moved to Sweden in 2016. Her biggest passion is growing vegetables and she grows many of the rare and unusual nordic heirlooms we serve to our guests.

“Coming from a place where food is so important and where we went to the market every week to buy vegetables direct from the maraîcher definitely had a big impact on me. I grow vegetables from all over the world in our garden but it gives me the most pride to grow old Swedish varieties, many of them on the verge of extinction, and share them with our guests”